Returning to work after a period of absence can be complicated. But it doesn't have to be.
If you are a returning worker or a co-worker, a line manager or a professional working to support someone return to work, you have come to the right place.
the IGLOO - for returning to work
We all need other people to help us stay happy and healthy. No one can do it on their own. The IGLOO framework promotes a shared responsibility where everyone has a role to play.
Drawing on the latest research, the IGLOO for returning to work helps us to identify key roles and responsibilities.
- Individuals returning to work need to prioritise self-care and self-management
- Groups and co-workers can provide practical and emotional support
- Leaders and line managers need to stay in touch with the individual and provide access to the support they need to return to work effectively
- Organisations need to provide compassionate and flexible absence management policies to help individuals return safely and thrive on their return.
About this e-learning resource
This e-learning resource has been designed to help make sure everyone involved in the return to work journey is clear on what they need to say and do. Using scientific evidence on what works to support a successful return to work following sickness absence, and drawing on our IGLOO framework, we have designed toolkits for Individuals, Groups, Line managers and Organisational professionals.
What ever your condition, your job or your circumstances, we have designed the toolkits to guide you through six steps: Initial sick leave, During sick leave, Preparing for return to work, First week back at work, Keeping healthy and productive and Crafting your job to stay healthy and productive in work.
The toolkits follow NICE guidelines for returning to work and draw on research and perspectives from returning workers, line managers, professionals working in health and work.
Research Partners
We partner with experts to find out what works when it comes to return to work. Find out more about our research.